How to make sword system?

how to make a system when ‘‘sword 1’’ is equipped you get +1 power per click and when ‘‘Sword 2’’ is equipped you get +2 power per click? can someone help me or can i get yt link?


You could insert int values into each individual sword, then name them “Power”, you set the value to the amount you want the player to get from clicking the tool, then you make it so that when the player activates the tool, it fires a remote which you send the power(int value) with, then make it so that the server adds the sword power value to the leaderstat value

i’m very noob at scripting that stuff, are u able to make it for me? u can get 10% of the game earnings if u can do that and if u can fix my leaderboards so they work and add animations u can get 15%+ or even 20%+ ?

Or you could also set an attribute to the player and name it power, then you could make it so that when you equip a sword, it would manually set the attribute value to the value you want it set to, then you could fire a remote event

people are not allowed to make entire chunks of code for you, you’ll have to do it yourself

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learn how to make leaderstats first

i will pay them, its work that i offer if they say no thats no problem.

You should learn to do things independantly, asking people to do stuff for you is ok but its easier to learn to do it yourself

here is a tutorial on how to make a leaderboard/leaderstats

thanks but can i change it to power? yes?

yes, you can change it to anything

thank you very much for helping me!

instead of

local Cash

you can do

local Power

No problem! Hope you achieve what you want to accomplish!

When you have learnt how to make leaderstats then you can start learning datastores, datastores save data for example

if you get money in a game and you leave, when you leave, all your data will be gone

but if you use datastore, it will save, and when you rejoin it will load

i will do that. thanks for helping me!

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do i have to set my game public to let the stats work?



it doesn’t show? how to fix that

you gotta run the game, or does the code not work?

when i run the game no “cash” is showing up