I need to know if it is programmed correctly

local gameStart = tick()
	for i = Timer, 1, -1 do
	    Timer = config.RoundTime - math.round((tick() - gameStart))
		local mins = math.floor(Timer / 60)
		local secs = Timer - (mins * 60)
		statusValue.Value = mins..":"..secs

		for i, player in pairs(tableplayers) do
				if not player.Character:FindFirtsChild("ConfirmPlaying") then
					table.remove(tableplayers, i)

		if #tableplayers == 0 then
			Timer.Value = "All the players have died"

The truth is I don’t get any errors but I want to know if there is a cleaner method

If it works properly, it’s programmed correctly. If you’re concerned about the validity of the script itself, just stress-test it to make sure it works properly.

If it’s optimally clean? Probably not. Why does it have to be, though? If you spend all of your time worrying about optimizing everything you will get nothing done.

After all, premature optimization is the root of all evil, said a smart man Donald Knuth, whom may or may not be one of the greatest computer science figures to ever live.

To answer your question, yes, it’s fine.
But - why wrap that particular function in a pcall? If it’s prone to errors and you’re using that to ignore them, perhaps you want to reevaluate that part of your script? I don’t see any major issues. Again, just stress-test your code. You will be able to fix it if it’s not working.

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Ok, thank you very much, I will take into account everything you told me.

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