i have created a part in the server, then i send that part through a remote to the client to then tween the part on the client rather than the server but when i do this i get the error ("TweenService:Create failed because Instance is null ")
It’d be cool if there was a script so we can know what the exact issue is
cant send the whole script but i can give parts that are needed,
game.ReplicatedStorage.Build:FireAllClients(Block, SnapHRP.X, SnapHRP.Y, SnapHRP.Z)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Build.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Block, MousePosX, MousePosY, MousePosZ)
BuildUpTween(Block, MousePosX, MousePosY, MousePosZ, true)
local function BuildUpTween(Block, MousePosX, MousePosY, MousePosZ, FromServer)
local goal = {}
goal.Size = Vector3.new(GridSnap, GridSnap, GridSnap)
goal.Position = Vector3.new(MousePosX, MousePosY, MousePosZ)
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(
-- print("MOUSE POS")
local tween = TweenService:Create(Block, tweenInfo, goal)
Can we see where you reference Block? Also, can you print(Block) in the .OnClientEvent function?
here is the “block”
local Block = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blocks.Block:Clone()
Block.Parent = workspace
Block.Position = Vector3.new(SnapHRP.x, SnapHRP.Y - (1.5), SnapHRP.Z)
Block.Size = Vector3.new(3,0,3)
Block.CanCollide = false
Block.Transparency = 0
Block.HitBox.Position = SnapHRP
Block.HitBox.CanQuery = true
Block.CanQuery = true
Block.CanCollide = true
Block.InnerHitbox.Position = SnapHRP
Block.Health.Position = SnapHRP
Block.Size = Vector3.new(3,3,3)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Build:FireAllClients(Block, SnapHRP.X, SnapHRP.Y, SnapHRP.Z)
and it prints nothing
can anyone help i’m really stuck
Maybe the block just fall out of map, try to set Anchored to true.
its anchored and i can see it in workspace and infront of me
Is the property which is on workspace called “streaming enabled” set to true, if so then this might cause the issue, because if it’s enabled its possible that the part hasn’t been streamed to the client yet, which also causes the error in the output.
Consider checking if its set to true and if thats the case, then I recommend you to set it to false to possibly prevent this error.
thank you so much, i was wondering why it worked in test game but not in the real game
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