I need help with a UI Scrolling frame. Please


I don’t like how that looks.


What can I dowith the UIGridLayout?


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you would have to change the first number in the cellsize property. (x variable)

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i dont want the frame to list things vertical, i want it to go horizontal

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You’re looking for this??

First of all, please provide us with more information (Ex: I want to make the children ASPECT-RATIO or I want to make a BACKPACK - BAR [like @orjb_2005’s given image])

If you are looking to make the buttons AspectRatio then you can use Offset (But This may require a lot of maths if you are looking to perfectly arranged elements) else what you can do is to get the CellSize X (basically AbsoluteSize X of one frame that is the child of the scrollingframe / AbosluteSize X of Scrollingframe multiplied by the cellSize X Scale) and determine the correct Scale of CellSize Y or just put the CellSize X (AbsoluteSize) to CellSize Y Offset.

I hope it made sense, and sorry if its hard to read, I tried to highlight the important parts.

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Here is the GUI I made.
HorizontalScrollingFrame.rbxm (6.4 KB)