ShouldDeliverCallback isn't functioning

It sounds odd, but when I use the following line:


Game_Get_Full_Name Issue

All I get back is “Game”

I want this basic script to work, so I can expand on it for more advanced applications. But first, I need to understand why this wouldn’t be working. For some reason, ShouldDeliverCallback isn’t doing anything. I have TextChatService selected as the chat version, and when I reference the GeneralChannel through Explorer, I can see it without issues.

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local TextChannels = TextChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels")
local GeneralChannel = TextChannels:WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")

GeneralChannel.ShouldDeliverCallback = function(msg, plr)
	warn(msg.Text, plr)

The warn inside the code block does nothing and the code that this example block is from was pulled from a script directly under ServerScriptService. If I put a print line below the variables, they’ll print. And if I grab the Parent objects to each variable, it’ll show up.

This isn’t how Instance:GetFullName() works. You call it on the object you want to get the directory of:


However, for your other problem, I’m not sure what’s causing it

Thanks for the Full Name tip! I was so busy struggling with the other issue, that I didn’t notice I was using it wrong.

After an annoying amount of trial and error, it turns out that this is a Team Create bug. Works fine in private studio.