Would setting cancollide false within chunks help reduce lag?

So my game has a pretty big map and I already use streaming enabled. I was wondering if setting cancollide to false for everything around the player on the client (except for like 100 - 200 studs radius around the player) would actually help to reduce lag significantly. Also any tips to help me reduce the lag aside from what I already suggested?

The only thing is it only really starts lagging when you walk through some of the larger builds. Even if they are streamed in you wont lag. its only when you start walking through them that it lags.

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setting CanCollide to false for parts that are distant from the player can indeed help reduce lag, especially if there are many parts that might be causing physics calculations.

  1. CanCollide:
  • Setting CanCollide to false for far parts can help reduce lag.
  • Be careful: players might fall through parts if you change this while they’re nearby. hoho :smiley:
  1. Other Tips:
  • LOD: Use simpler models for distant objects.
  • Reduce Parts: Combine parts using Union when you can.
  • Textures: Use smaller texture sizes.
  • Scripts: Check for slow or repeating scripts.
  • Anchored: Set parts that don’t move to Anchored = true.
  • Union: Unioning too many parts will help to reduce huge lag
  1. Find the Problem:
  • Use the Developer Console to see what’s causing lag.
  • Check if lag happens when looking at or moving around big builds.
  • Optimize Scripts.
  1. Streaming:
  • Adjust when parts appear or disappear based on player distance.

I was told that using unions is worse for performance vs just leaving them as parts.

Or just set CanTouch, CanCollide, and CanQuery to false.

Check the CanTouch section:

“There is a small performance gain on parts that have both CanTouch and CanCollide set to false, as these parts will never need to compute any kind of part to part collisions. However, they can still be hit by Raycasts and OverlapParams queries.”

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