Cannot print the player

So I’m working on a game for someone right now and I cannot manage to fix this.

code deleted cause i dont want to leak it

Whenever I try to print the player it just gives me random numbers between 500-650 in the console.

Please help me fix this.


if it prints random numbers then arenaowners value is random numbers look into how the function takes in arenaowner print its value as you set it

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No but in the RequestFight function i print the requester and it works fine.

It just prints random numbers when I try to call the Accept function.

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what script calls accept(player) i dont see it in your clip


oh i see and how do you get the requester value? is this connected to a remoteevent?

I get it through this function below:

code deleted cause i dont want to leak it.

Nevermind I fixed it myself it was just a dumb mistake.

I used AcceptButton.MouseButton1Up:Connect(Accept,requester.Name)

instead of:


Sorry for wasting your time.

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