Terrain Question [Solved]

Hello, i have another question, is it currently possible to set Terrains CanCollide to false with script? If yes how?

There’s no CanCollide property for Terrain so you can’t even with a script

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so there isnt any method for this?

There isn’t at the moment for now.

alr, pretty sad, hope theyre add this feature, thank you for quick reply

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You can, actually! You can use PhysicsService to achieve this.

Make sure this script is running on the server, or you can run this in the command bar before publishing the game.

local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
workspace.Terrain.CollisionGroup = "Terrain"
PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("Terrain", "Default", false)

Roblox puts a collision group on every BasePart called “Default,” so we can utilize this to set the CollisionGroup of the Terrain to “Terrain” and create a rule in PhysicsService to tell it to not collide with the collision group “Terrain.”

I have tested this in Studio and it works as expected. Hope this helps!

Alr, thank you for the fast reply!

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