I need help debugging a tool

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local bone = script.Parent.BoneSmash

	if mouse.Button1Down then
		local g = bone:Clone() 
		g.Parent = workspace
		g.Script.Enabled = true
		g.Position = mouse.Hit.Position + Vector3.new(0,80,0)
		task.wait(0)-- Fire rate

For context, I’m trying to make a bone smash attack that the local script will spawn a bone at the player’s mouse location. It doesn’t work properly and instead shows a error at line 4, BoneSmash is not a valid member of Tool "Players.borenreef.Backpack.Bone Smash". I’ve even tried removing local bone = script.Parent.BoneSmash and replacing local g = bone:Clone() with local g = script.Parent.BoneSmash:Clone() but then when I try and click on a location, no errors show up, nor the script fires and the bone appears.
I am too frustrated from my inability to be able to debug scripts properly and I have been trying to debug the script for a entire hour, thus I’m asking for help. If anyone would please help me, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!


Try setting the parent last. Sometimes it glitches out in my experience

I believe that doesn’t change anything. There is NO roblox script that sets for example, script.Example.Parent the parent last. I tried it but the same thing happened, except the BoneSmash is visible.

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You believe it doesnt change anything or you tried it and It didnt do anything also you say the error is at line 4 but line 4 is empty

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I tried it with that script change and the problem was still line 3, which the same error occured, BoneSmash is not a valid member of LocalScript "Players.borenreef.Backpack.Bone Smash.LocalScript" .

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I think maybe bonesmash doesnt load quick enough. Try using :WaitForChild()

local bone = script.Parent:WaitForChild("BoneSmash")

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also can you provide a screenshot of the instance hierarchy in the explorer?

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Tried using :WaitForChild. The bone appears with no errors but it doesn’t perform the function I wanted.

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whats the error or what does it do exactly?

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There is no error shown in the output with :WaitForChild. I have explained what I am trying to make from my original post so I will say it again. I’m trying to make a bone smash attack that the local script will spawn a bone at the player’s mouse location. The issue is, the bone is not duplicating itself to where the player mouse clicked on and instead doesn’t duplicate, perform it’s script as intended, etc.

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are there new instances of the bone being spawned into the workspace when you try it out?

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No, when I hold out the tool and click, the bone does not duplicate into the workspace and it has to do with the mouse function preventing it from happening.

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so the mouse function doesnt run

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Yes. That’s the main issue that needs to be fixed. I do not know why there’s no error, or why the bone is not duplicating in the workspace upon clicking with the tool activated.

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is RequiresHandle turned off in the tool?

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It wasn’t at first. I turned off RequiresHandle and the bones do duplicate in the workspace however they don’t perform the function I want them to do in the 2nd script.

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so this issue is fixed but now theres another issue?

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Yes and since the bone smash tool works with duplicating the bones, it appears that the 2nd script even after being Enabled doesn’t run as intended.

local boneSmash = script.Parent
local getPosition = boneSmash.CFrame
local sound = boneSmash["Undertale  Notice"]

function boneSmashSpin()
	boneSmash.Transparency = 0
	for i = 1,7 do
		boneSmash.Position = boneSmash.Position + Vector3.new(0,1,0)
	for i = 1,8 do
		boneSmash.Position = boneSmash.Position + Vector3.new(0,-10,0)
	local explosion = game.ServerStorage.Explosion:clone()
	explosion.Position = boneSmash.CFrame.Position + Vector3.new (0,-25,0)
	explosion.Parent = workspace
	explosion.KillScript.Enabled = true
	explosion.Script.Enabled = true
	for i = 1,15 do
		boneSmash.Position = boneSmash.Position + Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
		boneSmash.Transparency = i / 15
	boneSmash.CFrame = getPosition

while true do

When I clicked on the tool, the bone smash did duplicate. However the 2nd script I showed doesn’t run even after being Enabled.

first of all you dont have to do
just do
and second of all are there any errors? try printing to see if:
1 it even starts
2 if it starts where it stops

Task.wait(0.01) is there to prevent script exhaustion. The script does NOT print any errors, nor does it print any of my print('")s in where I put.

And as I said, even after the script is Enabled, it does not run.

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