Spawning in a Vehicle Error

Okay so, the vehicle itself is in Server Storage, I am trying to make it spawn at one of the spawning pads once bought. It brings me with an error of saying CFrame is not a valid member of “Crown Victoria”, what is the problem here?

local enabled = false
local price = 100
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local cash = player.leaderstats.Cash
local Spawn_Plate = game.Workspace.Vehicle_Spawns:GetChildren()

	if enabled == false and cash.Value >= price then
		enabled = true
		local Mod = game.ServerStorage['Crown_Victoria']
		local clone = Mod:Clone()
		local VehicleSpawn = Spawn_Plate[math.random(#Spawn_Plate)]
		clone.CFrame = VehicleSpawn.CFrame
		clone.Parent = workspace
		cash.Value = cash.Value - price
		enabled = false
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If the Crown Victoria is a model then it has no CFrame property I think

If VehicleSpawn is a model, use GetPivot to get its CFrame.

clone.CFrame = VehicleSpawn:GetPivot()

VehicleSpawn is defining the spawn plates that the model is supposed to spawn onto, which is the crown victoria

Ok, but is VehicleSpawn a Model or a Part, or something else? It seems like it’s a Model. The CFrame property of VehicleSpawn does not exist, so either it doesn’t have that property or something else is wrong.