Which GUI Layout?

To start off, there’s no help Gui section so this was ok to put in cause I’ll be scripting this.

I have a frame that has ui table with x rows 1 column and the behavior i wanted was that a script add gui items and it just auto places it and resize so it fits in container frame.

I did get the right behavior where gui elements didn’t clip out of its parent frame because they were single gui classes. The issue now is that frames that contain more than 1 gui class gets affected by the TableLayout and re-sizes and re-orders the gui classes in the frame ( i don’t want this). What i wanted was you add a frame and it resizes when more frames get added but the elements inside don’t get placed side by size but they keep same position

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May not fully understand your question, but have you tried the UIListLayout? (Set the max horizontal spaces to 1)

Like functionality of UITableLayout which re-sizes children and keeps them within the parent gui object (in this case a frame) but my issue is that the behavior affects childrens children. I’ll show visually:



GuiObject 1
GuiObject 3

By show in this tree, many 'ChildFrame" 's will get re-sized by the layout to fit the parent frame according but Gui object 1 and 3 will also get affected by this behavior and will also re-size to fit within its parents size. I want the GuiObject and 3 to maintain their relative positions and sizes but not get completely placed side to side

Not sure what you are saying here, but why don’t you set a minimum size for the main frame?

The best way to go around a situation like this is to create a Frame that you use as a dynamic box. Keep this frames Properties the same for every instance you want to add. Do everything inside these frames as you add them. This will ensure that the frame itself is always positions and scaled right but the contents inside it will be relative to that instead of the whole screen.