Remote event invocation queue exhausted for remote event (events dropped)

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I am trying to identify what events are firing so we can investigate what system does not exist (I assume this is due to an event trying to fire to a deleted model somewhere and no longer exist). Is there any way studio has an event log or something where we can see what remote events are being fired? Or any ideas using scripts to identify specific events?

  2. What is the issue?
    Remote event invocation queue exhausted, happens randomly after a while on a running server.


That log will print out the name of the Instance (as opposed to the Instance-type, RemoteEvent). It follows the format of:

"Remote event invocation queue exhausted for <full instance name>; did you forget to implement <event name>? (<number of events> events dropped)"

If you give the RemoteEvent instances in your experience unique names while debugging (as opposed to naming them RemoteEvent), that should help you figure out exactly which RemoteEvent Instance the log is referring to!

Edit: For additional detail, the log is actually printing the full Instance name (i.e. the name with all of its ancestors). If you are just seeing RemoteEvent, I think that’s an indication that your hypothesis is true, and you’re receiving events for a RemoteEvent type that no longer exists within the DataModel, but is still lingering somewhere in memory.

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Hi, thank you for the response. All our remote events are uniquely named, and I double checked everywhere in Explorer and in the scripts, none of them have “RemoteEvent” as the name.