How can I print every property said object has?

The title explains it. Tried looking for other topics like this. Couldnt find any. If you know please answer!



I am not actually sure if this is possible.


Unfortunately there is no way to do this as of right now although it would be a great feature. Correct me if I’m wrong.

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You would have to write all of the properties out yourself for each class, although you can save yourself some headache thanks to inheritance.

So an example would be, instead of having the ALL the properties for the Part class, we can just use the ones specific to Part in its own table. Then, have a separate BasePart class which would cover not only Parts, but also UnionOperations, MeshParts, WedgeParts, etc.

local BasePart = {
  ... --the rest of the properties for BasePart

local Part = {
  "Shape" --part only has one specific property

local function _propprint(Instance: Instance, ClassTable: {})
     for _, Property in ClassTable do
        print(Property.." = "..tostring(Instance[Property]))

function PrintInstanceProperties(Instance: Instance)
  local PropertiesTable = {}

  if Instance:IsA("Part") then
     --print both the part properties and basepart properties
     _propprint(Instance, BasePart)
     _propprint(Instance, Part)

local MyInstance = (...)

I might make a module for this actually; sounds tedious but kinda fun.

I just realized that you could probably make a webscraper for the roblox doc pages and have a python script or something automatically dump all the properties into a file but that might be taking it a bit far.

is there any specific property you want to view?
there could be a way to do it for that property but not all

something that might prove useful is MaximumADHD’s API dump

Link to his API dump

you can use HttpService:GetAsync() and HttpService:JSONDecode()

i have a script that does this to get all properties. I’ll send it later
sadly phones don’t have roblox studio

alr, i have a code now.

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local apiDump = httpService:GetAsync("".."m/MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker/roblox/API-Dump.json")
-- you may have noticed that the link is seperated. that's because of a weird thing that makes me *always* get an error 403 when i try posting with the full link
local classProperties = {}
	local classNames = {}
	for _, class in httpService:JSONDecode(apiDump).Classes do
		classNames[class.Name] = class
	local function indexClass(class, name)
		for _, member in class.Members do
				member.MemberType == "Property" -- make sure it's a property
				and member.Security.Read == "None"
				and (not member.Tags or (not table.find(member.Tags, "NotScriptable") and not table.find(member.Tags, "ReadOnly"))) -- If you want to see read-only properties too, remove the `and not table.find(member.Tags, "ReadOnly")`
				table.insert(classProperties[name], member.Name)
		if class.Superclass ~= "<<<ROOT>>>" then
			indexClass(classNames[class.Superclass], name)
	for name, class in classNames do
		if class.Tags and table.find(class.Tags, "NotCreatable") then continue end -- don't add classes you cannot create with
		classProperties[class.Name] = {}
		indexClass(class, name)
    now, if you want all properties of an object's class
    you just do classProperties[object.ClassName]
    and then you get an array of just property names.
    note that the table will also contain hidden properties and properties that only the client can access
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Well I know that, like .Size or .CFrame etc.