Questions about words database

hi, I want to create a word game and for that i require a table with most of the English words. The problem is that I don’t know how to download and search a database of words. you would help me a lot if you taught me how to import and look up a very long dictionary of words into Roblox Studio without affecting performance. Thank you!

I like to use some like:

local https = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Word = "Your Word Here"
local success, errors = pcall(function()
     local Info = https:GetAsync(""..Word)
     local Decode = https:JSONDecode(Info)
if not success then 
     print("Not a Word")
     print("Its A Word")

While it won’t provide a list of English words, It does allow you to check if a word is an English world.

Just make sure if your checking if something is a word, that is user inputted, make sure you Filter User input before using something like this^. You should also call this from the server, and make sure that you have rate limits to calling this.

Hope this helps!

Thank you very much, it seems to be what I’m looking for. But I have a question, can I make requests to that api repeatedly? Like every 3-5 seconds

I mean just look out for warnings and stuff. If you get warnings of calling it too many times, try not to make that many calls. Trial and Error.

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