WaveFlow Plugin(UI animation Plugin)

It should be all working and it is giving me no errors but it is still not working!

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweenobject = game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Frame
local targetpos = "0.486234665, 0, 0.461922586, 0"
local startingpos = "0.486234665, 0, 0.461922586, 0"
local timer = 0.5
local button = game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.TextButton 
button.Position =  UDim2.new(startingpos)
local targetPosition = UDim2.new(targetpos) 
local timetakestotween = TweenInfo.new(timer) 
local tween = TweenService:Create(tweenobject, timetakestotween, {Position = targetPosition}) 
button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() tween:Play() end)

here is where it is located:

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Instead of accessing StarterGui, you should either access it from the PlayerGui object, or given that the local script is located within the frame, just use script.Parent.Parent


local tweenobject = script.Parent.Parent.Frame
local button = script.Parent

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