Error when doing a buy all script

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The error means that the function :FindFirstChild()'s first argument is nil. We can decipher from line 74 that directory will always exist, which means that toolName does not exist.

You should check your remotes.EquipItem:FireServer() line to validate whether you’re properly sending a tool name or not.

function Shop.BuyAll()
	local list = if currentShop == "Food" then toolConfig else dnaConfig
	for _, toolTable in ipairs(list) do
		if not ownsItem(toolTable.ID, currentShop) then
			if toolTable.Price <= player.leaderstats.Coins.Value then
				local result = remotes.Shop.ShopBuy:InvokeServer(toolTable.ID, currentShop)
				if result == "PURCHASED" then
				print("Player does not have enough money to proceed.")
	local bestItem = bestItem
	remotes.EquipItem:FireServer(bestItem, currentShop)

if bestItem is nil then that would cause your current issue. There’s no way for me to tell you how it’s being set to nil with the given information though.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that the way you’re using bestItem is not the best practice. You should change the local variable’s name to something else.

I fixed the issue, but I appreciate your patience because I made an restriction (it was supposed to do that but I forgot to make it not give out an error message). That prevented it from working and forgot about it because it was so late.

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