First Person Shooter Camera Direction Movement

I would like to add a “camera direction sway” to my FPS

I have no clue what to do, i just need a push into the right direction from someone that might know or has already made this.

I have already looked for hours on the forum trying to find a solution but i could not find any.

What i mean by “camera direction sway” you might have played deadline in it you have your weapon framework, but if i move my camera lets say up the gun points slightly in the direction of the camera.

Thanks in advance,
LinusKat - Reality Creations


I was kinda confused by this post, but it seems like you want the weapon to offset when you move your camera. One way to do this is record the last camera position every frame, the offset the viewmodel from its normal position by the new camera position minus the last camera position.


Once you move the camera in deadline once a gun is equipped,
The gun rotates slightly to face the direction of where the player turns their camera too.