Constantly move part towards the direction it's facing

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want the part to move towards the direction it’s facing so whilst it’s moving and If I rotate it , it should move in the direction of where I rotated it.

  2. What is the issue? I don’t know where to start and what’s efficient and looks smoother.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I couldnt find anything that could help


VectorForces is the way to go add one attachment to the part at the back and tweak the force and max force. The only downside would be it will take a second or two to change directions as it is physics based. Or runService and constantly change the CFrame.lookVector of the part.


Just like @robot300047 said, Try using VectorForces. Do remember that VectorForces need to be applied to Attachments! Look up how to use VectorForces and you’ll be good to go

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How would I go about turning the part?

You need to rotate the part with CFrame Orientation.
Another way if you are using VectorForce is to use Torque or AlignOrientation to turn the Part.

Remember, you can’t use the Scripting Support to ask people to write a script for you. You need to do a bit more research and learn some scripting first. Try using Search terms that other people might use like ‘change Part orientation’ or ‘make part turn’.

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