Text Button causing game to freeze

I’m not sure if this is the correct category but I think it has some relation about this bugs/glitch.

So basically I have this TextButton UIS that when clicked it will shows a frame, or we can call it Inventory uis. The errors/glitch I’m encountering is that it cause the game (Client) to freeze a bit or sometimes can be long when i clicked it but the codes are workings properly.

Is there any reason why this is happening and how would i fix it?

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Can’t say anything until we see the code. Show code for the click

I could be because you’re exhausting the script maybe add task.wait(). Also I would like to see the code to find the issue like what RafehPvP said.

well its very long but i’ll send some of the codes soon

We just need the part where you handle the interaction with the Text button.

-- Activating the GUI
local open = 0
			if open == 0 then
				open = 1
				selectedTower = tower.Name
				if tower.InvisibleForever == false then
					gui.Inventory.Towers.TowersScroll:FindFirstChild(newButtonTower.ViewportFrame.TowerName.Text).Visible = true
					gui.Inventory.Towers.TowersScroll:FindFirstChild(newButtonTower.ViewportFrame.TowerName.Text).Visible = true

Show us UpdateSkins now, that’s probably the culprit (My Guess is marketplaceservice) let’s see it

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Let me guess, Its because i looped through many things?

	for i, skin in pairs(skinshop) do
		local oldButton = gui.Inventory.Skins.TowersScroll:FindFirstChild(skin.Name)

		if oldButton then

		local clonedTower = game.ReplicatedStorage.Skins[skin.Name]:Clone()
		local newButtonTower =  gui.Inventory.Skins.TowersScroll.Template:Clone()
		newButtonTower.Name = skin.Name
		newButtonTower.ViewportFrame.TowerName.Text = skin.Display
		newButtonTower.Parent = gui.Inventory.Skins.TowersScroll
		newButtonTower.LayoutOrder = skin.Price	
		newButtonTower.ViewportFrame.TowerName.TextColor3 = skin.RarityColor

		clonedTower.Parent = newButtonTower.ViewportFrame.WorldModel
		clonedTower.PrimaryPart = clonedTower.HumanoidRootPart
		local TowerAnim = clonedTower.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(clonedTower.Animations.Idle)

Hmm I’m still not entirely sure BUT do these things please, Make sure you do all the changes you want to the properties Before you parent these things. For Example, you’re parenting the newButtonTower before you’re setting the LayoutOrder and Setting the TextColor, same for the PrimaryPart for clonedTower. Do that and let me know fi that helped.

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