I want to make a ragdoll system that when an event got fired,the enemy will ragdoll itself.But how do I do it,is it possible?
It is possible, just place the ragdoll script in the rig
In the ragdoll script, add a ragdoll and unragdoll event and making a bool value named Using
In the ragdoll script:
humanoid.died - change this to
if script.Using.Value == true then
- ragdoll
- end ragdoll
There should be a way
Unfortunately I can’t exactly use roblox studio for now but
make a table that contains backups of all the Motor6Ds in someone’s Character
turn off Humanoid.RequiresNeck
when ragdoll activates, use the normal ragdoll function everyone uses (the one that uses BallSocketConstraints)
when ragdoll deactivates, remove the BallSocketConstraints and re-add the Motor6Ds that you put in your table
Nearly Every ragdoll system has a function that runs on .Died etc, put that inside UserInputService or ContextActionService to connect it to some key, it should do the same