Datastore limit script

Does anyone know how to create a script where, for example, when a datastore reaches 50 keys, everything is deleted there? I know nothing about datastores, so sorry if this is a dumb question

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Are you talking about datastore keys or table information?

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Could you possibly elaborate your question and explain it more? Like do you want when a data store for a player reaches 50 varibals it’ll get deleted? Or that when a varibal surpasses 50 letters it’ll get deleted? I cannot understand what you mean

I don’t know the correct name, but like, if you get to 50 things from a key stored there, delete everything

I just replied to the guy below you :wink:

Something like if there are 50 players with a registered safe file, delete all save files?

I’m not sure if you’re referring to the word “files”, but I’ll describe the idea as I understand it.

Think of a datastore like a structured storage system, kind of like a table with rows. You have data organized under keys, like “Key_ExampleData,” “Key_ExampleData2,” and so on.

What you want to do is this: Imagine you have multiple instances of “Key_ExampleData” in your datastore, and you want to remove all of them when there are five or more. To accomplish this, you would create a script that runs in a continuous loop.

This script checks the datastore every 5 seconds to see if there are five or more instances of “Key_ExampleData.” If it finds five or more, it will delete all of them.

In simpler terms, you’re setting up an automatic process that regularly looks at your data storage, and when it sees a certain number of items, it deletes them.

*I used chatgpt to make it easier to understand

I sill dont understand what you mean however if you wanna check something you could do it via a server scirpt like. if player.Leaderstat.Coins == (idk) then do, its way more efficient than checking the data store.

I will not store data from players but from the server, for example, store specific codes for a while, without storing in StringValues.