Error Message (ServerScriptService.Script:28: attempt to index nil with ‘GetChildren’ - Server
16:36:32.101 Stack Begin - Studio
16:36:32.101 Script ‘ServerScriptService.Script’, Line 28 )
local ToolFolder = game:GetService('ServerStorage'):FindFirstChild("AvatarItems")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
local SaveData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore('SaveData')
local ToolData = SaveData:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
local Backpack = Player.Character
local StarterGear = Player.Character
if ToolData ~= nil then
for i, v in pairs(ToolData) do
if ToolFolder:FindFirstChild(v) and Backpack:FindFirstChild(v) == nil then
ToolFolder[v]:Clone().Parent = Backpack
local ToolTable = {}
for i, v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(ToolTable, v.Name)
if ToolTable ~= nil then
SaveData:SetAsync(Player.UserId, ToolTable)
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I think it’s bc the character has already unloaded when the player is leaving, therefore the script is attempting to get children of nil which would cause an error
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oh. But how do i fix the issue
i got another script and did the same thing
if the player doesn’t lose tools on death, then you should just have it add a folder to a player, and then when the player gets a new tool Player.Backpack.ChildAdded
check if the a string value with the tool’s name isn’t in the folder, if it isn’t in the folder then make a new string value in the folder with the tool’s name as its name and when the player leaves replace for i, v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren())
with for i, v in pairs(Player.
Folder Name:GetChildren())
am i able to save the players avatar items from the character and move it to the folder ?
do you mean accessories or stuff like that?
yeah like accessories and shirts / pants.
what kind of system are you trying to make?
im just trying to save the players acessories so when they rejoin back in they spawn with them. Im using a tool saving script to save the players avatar items
are you trying to make something like an rp game?
its avatar items from a avatar item shop
im trying to make a old roblox sim and im have a avatar shop for it im just trying to save the items
ok, i think what could work is that you still have a folder in the player, and every time the player adds an accessory it adds a string value with the name, and every time the player removes an accessory it removes a string value with the name.
but when the player rejoins how dose it add the items back into the character
so the accessories are in a folder in replicated server of something right?
yeah they are in server storage
is there a way to like when the player is leaving it moves the avatar items to a folder in rs and when the player joins back in it transfer’s it back into the character
ok so you save the folder by using the system you already have in place but with whatever the folder name is, and then when the player joins, you replace the
ToolFolder[v]:Clone.Parent = Backpack
withToolFolder[v]:Clone.Parent = Player.Character
The Tooldata thing should be in Player.CharacterAdded
no you cannot, if a change is made to replicated storage it wont save when the player joins a different server