Problems CFraming flashlight part


I’m trying to make a part-based flashlight mechanic that’s handled fully on the server-side, but i’m having some issues with CFraming it.

Here’s the effect i want to achieve:

and here’s what it ends up looking like:

this is because i have 2 circle parts welded to the inside of the flashlight, but for some reason these don’t stick to the actual part? why is this?


objectsFolder.Flashlights:FindFirstChild(player.UserId.. "Flashlight").CFrame = data * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0))


any help is greatly appreciated! If you need more info, don’t hesitate to ask!

Just to make sure what’s going on here, the rings don’t follow along with the flashlight when you change it’s cframe, or did they never stick to the flashlight to begin with?

They’re welded to it.


Yes, but aren’t you saying they don’t stick to the flashlight? Do they just drop upon running the game, or does the problem first occur when you start changing the flashlight’s cframe? If it’s because the rings stay frozen in the air, have you made sure to unanchor them? If they are anchored, then they won’t follow along with the flashlight i think.