TextButton for each attachment

I’m attempting to make an interaction ui in which i am succesful, however i’m trying to make multiple textbuttons for each attachment found inside of a part which each of its details. aaaand im completely confused on how to initiate this.

Can you elaborate further on what you mean by attachment?

If the script finds an attachment with the proper attributes it will create a textbutton for it, however my main issue is dealing with multiple

Can you elaborate further on what part of the code you’re having issue with? Because as far as I can see you can just iterate over the elements in what ever you interacted with and construct it that way.

theres 2 attachments present and the script does read this but it seems to keep on adding both.

								for x = 1, i, 1 do
									local ButtonTemplate = script:WaitForChild("ButtonTemplate"):Clone()
									ButtonTemplate.Text = v:GetAttribute("KeyCode")
									ButtonTemplate:WaitForChild("Title").Text = v:GetAttribute("Name")
									ButtonTemplate:WaitForChild("Desc").Text = v:GetAttribute("Description")

									ButtonTemplate.Parent = Template:WaitForChild("Holder")

I ended up fully redoing the script from scratch and found out my main problem was i never stopped the .stepped loop.

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