How do i create a movement system similar to Gacha Online or the 2D Movement system like the character is 2D in 3D world and using the Billdboard/Beam UI to show the 2D character?
here’s an example :
I just need a way to do it, what do i use, and code example if can!
Simply create the billboard with an image in it, and after that create a function which will listen to player’s input. After receiving the input check what direction the player wants to go, for example if W key pressed, move billboard forward. If you want to make the game 3D, make the movement relative to the direction of the camera.
do u see the gyazo link i show? its not a simple 2d stuff but its smoothly animated, the thing that idk is how to move the body part to make it animated smoothly
could you create a billboard on their character but make their character invisible? That seems like it works and it would also have the movement sorted for you. All that’s next is to get the characters state and animate (if that’s what your going for)
Creating seperate images for body parts isn’t that hard, you would probably choose the same way for other engines. Roblox also provides AnchorPoint and other stuff to make it even easier to do.