Menu that appears every time a player dies

How do I make a menu that appears every time a player dies, so he can choose to spectate or to join the next round? Kind of like in piggy.

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You can use Humanoid.Died for this one since you want the ui to display when player dies

How do I make a script for this ? (I’m kind of a beginner)

You could hook up a Humanoid.Died connection, set it so it shows the death screen, with buttons that do an event. I recommend you set ResetOnSpawn to true as the death screen should only spawn when the player dies.

Set CharacterAutoLoads to false, and in the main menu, call Player:LoadCharacter(). If you want a respawn button, hook it to a RemoteEvent in which the server receives the request and uses the default player passed parameter to call Player:LoadCharacter(). Note: Make sure the respawn button only sends signal once, or you could get some pretty wacky physics.

In my game, which isn’t fully released yet, I used TweenService to animate death screen slowly showing. I also used the above methods.

LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts:

local c:Model = script.Parent
local h:Humanoid = c:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local p = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local playergui = p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

      playergui["Gui"].Enabled = true -- sets a *screengui* instance to enabled