You can create bezier curves. They’re a type of spline which only require three parts to create a smooth curve. You can use this module to create bezier curves easily.
How would I access whether an enemy or such has entered the base? Using RemoteEvents could be easily manipulated.
Would I use tables to store data about the enemy?
This is currently my script for spawning enemies :
--// Services
local S_RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--// Constants
local COMMON = S_RS:WaitForChild("Common")
local RESOURCES = COMMON:WaitForChild("Resources")
local ENEMIES = RESOURCES:WaitForChild("Enemies")
local MODELS = ENEMIES:WaitForChild("Models")
local CONFIG = ENEMIES:WaitForChild("Config")
local ENUMS = require(COMMON:WaitForChild("Enums"))
--// Variables
local enemies = {}
function ENEMY.spawn_enemy(enemy_name: string, map, count: number, interval: number, start_delay: number): ()
assert(enemy_name, "Enemy name was not given, enemy name is required to spawn the enemy.")
local enemy_exists = MODELS:FindFirstChild(enemy_name)
assert(enemy_exists, "Enemy model was not found or not loaded.")
assert(enemy_exists.PrimaryPart, "Enemy model does not have a PrimaryPart.")
assert(count, "Count was not given, a required argument.")
assert(interval, "Interval number was not given, a required argument.")
assert(start_delay, "The Start Delay number was not given, a required argument.")
assert(map, "Map was not given, a required argument.")
for enemy_count = 1, count, 1 do
local enemy_model = enemy_exists:Clone()
local enemy_config = require(CONFIG:WaitForChild(enemy_name) or CONFIG:WaitForChild("Default"))
assert(enemy_config, "Enemy config was not loaded or not found.")
local enemy = {}
enemy.HEALTH = enemy_config.HEALTH
enemy.CONFIG = enemy_config
enemy.ENUM = ENUMS.ENEMIES[enemy_name]
enemy.ENEMY = enemy_model.PrimaryPart
enemies[enemy_model] = enemy
enemy_model.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Enemies")
return ENEMY
You’re welcome, good luck with your tower defense game. Also, there was somebody on YouTube doing exactly what you are looking for, you can also message him, @samuelissad, about this topic, but unfortunately stopped the videos.