Hi, I am making a new game but I need to disable the backpack for it.
I have a LocalScript
in StarterPlayerScripts
-- Disable backpack
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)
I have ACS 2.0.1 installed.
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October 28, 2023, 8:09pm
put a wait statement before you disable the backpack with SetCoreGuiEnabled
this should fix it
October 28, 2023, 11:24pm
StarterGui is not a Service. Use the following instead:
game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)
do a loop until it has been disabled, ig sometimes it doesn’t set
is the script even enabled though?
October 29, 2023, 12:01am
Pretty sure ACS forces the backpack to be enabled. It does this with other things too which makes the system a pain to work with
October 29, 2023, 12:27am
also that is incorrect, it is a service
I think that is right but you need to get rid of print then it will work.
October 29, 2023, 5:37am
Local script in StarterGui:
local StarterGUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGUI:SetCoreGuiEnabled("Backpack", false)
Hope this works for ya
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A local script that will destroy a players backpack:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local cloned = script.Parent.TheScriptsName:Clone()
cloned.Parent = player.Backpack
local cloned = script.Parent.TheScriptsName:Destroy()
Assuming it’s placed as a child to starter gui
Thanks a lot, that worked perfectly
November 12, 2023, 9:22am
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