Hello! I made this post because I really need help with stuff like mathematics in Roblox and CFrame/Phsyics. For example, right now I am trying to make a basic plane. However, from what i’ve seen, I should use stuff like AlignOrientation and LinearVelocity. The example I’m using as reference uses math to determine the CFrame. Like CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ().
Questions: When do I know to use math for CFrame? How do you know what math equations to do for it? How do this physics-type objects work? Like BodyGyro, AlignOrientation, LinearVelocity, BodyVelocity.
depends on what specific transformation u are trying to achieve buddy. if you’re rotating you will use rotational cframes or rotational physics constraints (Depends on how u decided to transform the object, either by roblox constraints or cframe math). If you’re translating you would use translational cframes or translational physics constraints (also depends on weather you would use physics constraints or cframe math)
Moving either up, down, left, right, or diagonaly by any amount. If I said I translated up, I mean I moved up. If something translates forward, it moves forward.
To your original question, I would suggest you learn learn how vectors + kinematics in physics work. This will give you the fundamental of understanding linear veocity, vector forces, CFrame math, Vector3 math, etc.