Circle in round

So, I want to have like an image circle in the game (The game is interely UI) that when the round starrts all the player heads logos will be devided in the lenghts of the circle (I know how to put player vieuwport stuff), but I dont know how to devide the length of the circle and use it. Here’s an exaple.
All the blue squares should be player avatars I know how to do the avatars but not how to calculate and use the length of a circle.

I’m sorry that this doesn’t make sense.

This is the basic logic for what you want. Note that it is going to use offset instead of scale. If you want it to use scale, you’ll need to mess around with it a bit, and place the whole thing into a UIAspectRatio with a ratio of 1:

local Center =, 0, 0.5, 0)
local Images = script.Parent.Images:GetChildren()
local Radius = 200 -- Offset
for Index, Image in ipairs(Images) -- Change this to the location of the images as you see fit
    Image.Position = Center + Radius *, Radius * math.cos(math.pi * 2 * Index / # Images), 0, Radius * math.sin(math.pi * 2 * Index / # Images))

So this will work if there are 4 or 5 or 6 images?

Theoretically, yeah

but can you please explain I’m not that good with radius and ofset an the things in the for loop