Struggling to send data between places

my question is

How do i send data(number) from place to another and how to claim the data(number) in the other place , ive tried messagingservice but it dont work my project is basically a hub for mps game which you can create servers and people would be able to join from gui but iam struggling about playercount which is displayed in the hub gui i need to send the playercount from the main game to the hub and put it on every server’s gui

TeleportService can send data through place to place

i did that but its only used in the hub it wont help me in the main game cuz people join the server and play they dont join the hub back so it will be so unique to update playercount

use MessagingService to communicate between them. I know you said you already used it but I think it comes down to how you use it. Send out a “GetServerInfo” request and wait for a reply. When the target server gets this “request” it can send back info like ServerName, PlayerCount, etc. in the form of a “BroadcastServerInfo” message

i tried publish in main game then subscribe in hub is there else way can you do example