How to make player munual control Skateboard Platform by script?

Post can’t be empty, also if any questions feel free to ask.

Oh, well you kinda need to figure that out for yourself. The DevForum is asking for support in scripting if your script is broken, not to ask someone to create a script for you.

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I mean maybe there some kinda function for this, just cannot find that on Documentation.

Well there are controls like steer and throttle (i think thats what they’re called) you could use something like userinputservice to detected if they’re pressing w, a, s, or d and change they’re values. Also you misspelled manual :joy:

of course, but I mean like for the “seat” subject you could use function Seat:Sit(); but for the SkateBoard Platform use different technology, and I cannot find any way to occupie SkateBoard Platform by script.

SkateboardPlatform is deprecated:

You shouldn’t be using it, and it’s probably broken.

I thought we all knew that. ROBLOX making it harder to make a skateboard.

It’s better for them to implement the basic building block rather than whole game mechanics, it’s more maintainable and gives us more control.