How do I set the camera CFrame to be behind the player

I have an obby that I’m working on but sometimes when the character spawns the camera is facing the wrong direction and it causes players to go the wrong way

Is there any way to set it to look the way that the player is facing?

Try setting the camera’s CFrame to be the character’s HumanoidRootPart’s CFrame:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame

I think as long as you keep the CameraType on Custom, you should have your problem solved.


Uh, I tested it. It might not work.

However, my character spawned in with the camera at the back. How come yours doesn’t?


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It seems to have worked just fine! thank you!

It does spawn at the back most times but I think it depends on where your camera last was before you die, like if you were looking at yourself before you died sometimes it will turn the camera to face you when you spawn in

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