Script that allows limb manipulation. (Ex. Left click would raise left arm, right click raises right.)

I’m looking for a way to allow a limb to be moved/manipulated with certain inputs. (Ex. Left Hand raises with left click, right hand raises with right click, etc.)

I’m fairly new to the scripting scene again, I’ve attempted to search the devforums for my specific problem, but have yet to find an answer. Any point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated as I’m unsure where to even begin.

you can place an IKControl instance under the humanoid’s Animator to dynamically move limbs towards an object; if you’re looking to just have the limbs be moved without any target then you can manipulate its Motor6Ds placed under the joints you want to move or create invisible parts for the ikcontrols to point towards

as for detecting input, UserInputService and ContextActionService have you covered

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