Hey, so I was wondering how would I position a part within a certain magnitude range (closest to the range) if the part is out of that said range. Hopefully this drawing will be self explanatory.
If the allowed area is a perfect circle, you can do this:
local CircleCenter = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
local Radius = 10
local Part = ...
if (Part.Position - CircleCenter).Magnitude > Radius then
Part.Position = CircleCenter + (Part.Position - CircleCenter).Unit * Radius
Note that the above will treat the zone as a sphere instead of a circle.
For it to be a circle, and not be affected by the height, you could do this:
local CircleCenter = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
local Radius = 10
local Part = ...
if (Vector2.new(Part.Position.X, Part.Position.Z) - Vector2.new(CircleCenter.X, CircleCenter.Z)).Magnitude > Radius then
Part.Position = CircleCenter + (Part.Position - CircleCenter).Unit * Radius
(Both codes are untested. The second one may correct the player into a spherical location if they go outside the circle zone. If this needs correcting, let me know)