Ball player physics

Hi !
I’m trying to make a game where you control a ball with your mouse, but it looks likes I run into a problem. I modify the assembly linear velocity to achieve my goal but the problem is that when physics is needed, for exemple fall or bounce, changing the assembly linear velocity overwrite the physics. I already tried vector force, linear velocity and angular velocity but it doesn’t match with what type of movement I’m looking for !
Here my current version and how I want it to looks like (but with no physics as you will see) : Ball - Roblox
Thanks you for the help and have a nice day !

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Dunno looks great, It bounces and falls. Can’t see what the problem is to be honest.

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I took a video of the problem, it happens when you try to mouve while colliding or falling : robloxapp-20231104-2204281.wmv (4.8 MB)