After i buy a sword and when i equip it it doesnt come in my hand

can anyone help i dont understand whats going on.


Have you considered welding the parts of the sword to the Handle and checking if the tool is unanchored? A script called qPerfectionWeld found in several large games (and in the toolbox) welds all parts of the tool to the handle for you.

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You could also do it manually.

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alr i’ll try doing that thank you i’ll see if it works

wait i forgot their already welded and aanchored

If I remember correctly, tools are supposed to be unanchored.


nah it still does the same thing even if anchored or unanchored

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Seeing how you have a LocalScript open, I assume that you also clone the sword in the same LocalScript. If that is the case, what is happening is that you are cloning the sword and giving it to yourself without the server knowing. This will cause a communication issue, and it will display you with no sword.

To make sure the scripts communicate correctly you have to add a RemoteEvent in your LocalScript that fires the server with a player parameter whenever the button is clicked. In the ServerScript you will clone the sword and move it to the player backpack to make sure the server knows the player has been given the sword. Also, double check if you clone every asset of the sword accordingly; handle, meshes and scripts.

If that does not solve the issue, I suggest you update the topic and add the code along with what kind of script are involved with the cloning + moving of the sword so it gets more understandable for those who want to help you.


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