I do not understand Raycast's Normal feature at all

I don’t understand what normal does. I thought it’s perpendicular to the intersection but when I tried moving a part to the normal, it just moves to one part that’s far away. Can someone please explain? Thanks

The normal vector is the direction perpendicular to the surface that was hit by the raycast, and is not actually representative of the raycast’s hit location. Since the normal vector represents a direction, it’ll always have a magnitude/length of 1 which is why when you move a part to the normal vector it’ll move to roughly the location (0, 0, 0).

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I think its just an orientation. You can’t move something to an orientation.

the angle of the green would be the normal i think



So what does result.Position + result.Normal do?

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Wait nevermind, It would just move farther from the wall, correct?

Yes. Something people commonly do is use CFrame.lookAt(result.Position, result.Position + result.Normal) to place something on the surface of the wall at the raycast hit point.