ScreenGUI Scripting

Hello, I’m writing to ask how I can get the ID of a Marketplace accessory by typing their exact case-sensitive name.

Here an example of how it should work:
1). Player types the case-sensitive name of the accessory in a TextBox.
2). Player clicks on a TextButton after typing the name in.
3). A TextLabel’s text changes to the ID of the accessory typed in.

I don’t mean for anyone to send a full script or spoonfeed but to just send a simple example.

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im too lazy to find a roblox function to do this so heres a quick rundown on how you can do it with catalog api:

keyword = "Inferno Diadem" -- What you want to search for

https = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("".. keyword)
-- Using the catalog API V1 to search for the item

luatable = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(https) -- Turn JSON to a understandable lua table

answer = luatable["data"][1]["id"] -- getting the first item that appeared in data, then getting its id.

print(answer) -- 14483982369

now, this version might be a little unsafe since if you write nonsense, it will spit out random hats (or just does it no matter what), so if i have the time i will probably update this

and update i did.

keyword = "Inferno Diadem" -- What you want to search for

https = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("".. keyword)
-- Using the catalog API V1 to search for the item

luatable = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(https) -- Turn JSON to a understandable lua table

answer = false
for i,v in ipairs(luatable["data"]) do
	if v["name"] == keyword then
		answer = v["id"]

if answer ~= false then
	print("ID: ".. answer) -- ID: 14483982369
	print("Couldnt find an accessory named ".. keyword) -- Couldnt find an accessory named Inferno Diadem

note that i am not going to provide the rest, just wanting to give you a piece you can use to make your dreams.

charsssss- wait why do i need it

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