Limit Mouse.Hit.Position For Raycast

I have a raycast, and if it returns no instance, then the result is going to be the users mouse.Hit. The problem is that the distance beetween the firepos and mouse.hit.position is bigger than the max part size (2048) so how would i limit this?

local raycast = workspace:Raycast(Tool.FirePos.Position,(Mouse.Hit.Position-Tool.FirePos.Position),Values.Spread.Value),,Values.Spread.Value),,Values.Spread.Value))*1.2)
	local result
	local origin = Tool.FirePos.Position
	local target
if raycast then
		result = raycast
		result = Mouse.Hit

	local distance = (origin - result.Position).Magnitude
	local p ="Part")
	p.Size =, 0.1, distance)
	p.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(origin, result.Position)*, 0, -distance/2)

	p.Parent = workspace
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limit distance from firepos to Mouse.Hit.Position, how would i?

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ok actually Mouse.Hit.Position.Unit * 2000 worked

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