How to merge these 2 scripts?

So I have a script in ServerScriptService, and it makes a leaderboard with a value and so and so.

I was wondering, if I have a part that I want to give a value on touch, how would I make it add +1 to my value in ServerScriptService?

btw here is my script

	local leaderstats ="Folder", player)
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" 

	local money ="IntValue", leaderstats) 
	money.Name = "Silver" 
	money.Value = 0 

	local emeralds ="IntValue", leaderstats)
emeralds.Name = "Emeralds"
	emeralds.Value = 0 --How would I make the part add +1 emerald?

To make a part add +1 emerald when touched, you can use a script in the part’s parent to detect the touch event and then update the player’s “Emeralds” value in their leaderstats. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Insert a script into the part’s parent (for example, Workspace) or directly into the part itself. Here’s an example of the script that could be placed in the part’s parent:

    local part = script.Parent  -- Assuming the script is a child of the part
       local function onTouched(hit)
          local character = hit.Parent  -- The part that touched the object
            local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
    if player then
      local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
     if leaderstats then
         local emeralds = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Emeralds")
         if emeralds then
             emeralds.Value = emeralds.Value + 1
             -- You can add more logic here, such as sound effects or removal of the part.

Just reference the .Value and add.


player.Silver.Value += 1

thanks! but is there a way to make that work when a textbutton is clicked?

You could use remote events.


If you are talking about a ScreenGui, then I believe you will have to fire a remote event to the server(correct me if i’m wrong)

--Put this script under your textbutton

The server script:

	player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats").Silver.Value += 1

Edit: I think that this should also work on SurfaceGuis

Why did you use ChatGPT to make that?