Roblox Raycast Gun Spread

im currently coding a gun system with raycasting and i was wondering how i would make spread so the gun wasnt so accurate?

heres the code im using:

	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {player.Character} -- makes so player cant shoot self
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist

	local rayResult = workspace:Raycast(script.Parent.Handle.Position, (mousePos - script.Parent.Handle.Position)*300,raycastParams) -- gun length

	if rayResult then
		local hitPart = rayResult.Instance
		local model = hitPart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")
		if model then
			if model:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
				print("Hit: ".. hitPart.Name)
				if hitPart.Name == "Head" then
					local damageDelt = math.random(28,39)
					model.Humanoid.Health -= damageDelt
					local damageDelt = math.random(16,21)
					model.Humanoid.Health -= damageDelt

Do you mean a spread like in angle increments or like a shotgun?


as in like its not on point accuracy so it misses some times


There have been a lot of posts that explain this.
I searched ‘raycast random spread’ and got a few hits. You can try similar search terms like ‘random gun spread’ or ‘aim bullets randomly’.

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i saw some of them, let me see what i can find

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I guess depending on the distance between the mouse hit position and the origin you get a number and then you make a new direction with a random offset on the mouse hit position, and then fire a ray with that direction and you can spawn a part on the ray hit to see if it gives an offset? The number offset should just be the distance between divided by a certain number * inaccuracy. I think it would work if you just used math.random and then did in the thing (-accuracy, accuracy) for every vector.

how would i do this? im new to raycasting… ive looked through many posts and nothings helping

i have looked, nothing really helped

So basically, you just get the mouse hit position using mouse.Hit.Position after getting the players mouse and then you add a vector3 to it and then cast the ray to it.
Here is some code for it that might help you a little

local inaccuracy = 2
local mouse = --whatever your players mouse is
   local mousepos = mouse.Hit.Position
   local origin = --gun barrel or stuff
   local distancebetween = (origin - mousepos).Magnitude
   local accuracy = distancebetween/100*inaccuracy --you can change this to get better or worse accuracies
   --raycast stuff and more

i could be wrong but you should be able to create spread by randomly offetting the direction

((,0.2)) - script.Parent.Handle.Position)

Whoops forgot some code in my response:

vectoroffset =, accuracy),math.random(-accuracy, accuracy),math.random(-accuracy, accuracy))

workspace:Raycast(origin, (origin - (mousepos + vectoroffset)) * 300, params)
--do stuff
local mag = (cursor.Hit.p-tool.Hole.Position).magnitude
local rndm =*mag,(Spread/10)*mag),math.random(-(Spread/10)*mag,(Spread/10)*mag),math.random(-(Spread/10)*mag,(Spread/10)*mag))

put this in your local script where you would make fire function
then when you will fire the function to server write also +rndm in fireserver function