Collisions slowing down my game

Hi all, i’m making a tycoon game, but cant figure out the collision groups. I want the drops not to collide with anything other than the conveoyrs but i’m having a hard time understanding collision groups.
Could someone explain to me how to I can turn off can collide but make the drops hit the conveyor and travel to the collector without dropping off the world?


You can’t turn off CanCollide, as that will disable all collisions with any collision group.
What you can do is add the drops to one collision groups (let’s call it “Drops”), add the conveyors and collectors to a second (“Conveyors”), and everything else (other parts, players’ characters) will be in the “Default” collision group.
Then you can simply disable collisions between the Drops group and the Default group, and drops will still collide with conveyors.


Okay, will that help with the game lag?

In the workspace settings, you have a option “streaming enabled”, try to set this to an different value. I think it should work :slight_smile:

You could probably turn off CanQuery on the dropped parts, as that has to do with raycasting (The property doesn’t show up unless CanCollide is set to false, but you can disable CanCollide, disable CanQuery, and then re-enable CanCollide).

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