How dit you master lua?

Greetings, fellow Robloxians!

I wanted to ask how dit you master lua,
I’m not really new to Roblox Studio, but every time I quit scripting after a week because I don’t find any time for it. But now I have time and want to hear your stories about how you did it!


I wouldn’t say I’ve mastered Luau, but having years of prior experience with programming definitely helped. I find that a combination of reading documentation (such as the Luau language and Roblox documentation) and others’ code is the most effective way for me to learn new programming-related things.

I also like to keep on top of Luau’s new releases on GitHub, just so I know what’s coming to Roblox. They’ve also got a repository for RFCs, so checking out language proposals, and their progress or status is easy.

With Roblox open-sourcing even more of their libraries, it’s a good chance to see how the people behind Luau (or at least people working for the same company) use it.


I first watched a super in-depth programming logic video in youtube. I also make small projects from time to time until I got good on programming. My first every project with no LUA knowledge was a parking ticket gate. Since it is a very simple concept I was able to make it easily. Using “Touched” event and checking if the part it hits is named “Parking Ticket”. I can also say programming is like a simplified English and with less grammar definitely a lot easier to learn. But there are complicated things in programming too but most of the time you’ll be able to go by just using basics. Since I learned programming easier than learning languages based on my experience. You can add me in discord since I can help you learn scripting and I can also give code snippets with comments in them explaining how the script works.

My discord is: t650i


Thanks for the information I sent you a request on discord I’ll see for myself if you accepted it!