How to move a character a few studs in the air but still let them walk like if they were on the ground

Hey everyone!

I am trying to create a script where I can move players up a few studs but still let them walk normally, this image explains it:


Players can currently walk around in this position and works great, but I would like a bit of height so that it looks like they are flying, I can’t just move them up because I still need them to walk normally

Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Any help is appreciated


The character contains a Humanoid.

The humanoid contains a property called HipHeight.
Increase HipHeight Value.

That should work mate

Example Code:

local originalHipHeight = Humanoid.HipHeight
local increaseBy = 2

Humanoid.HipHeight = originalHipHeight + increaseBy
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Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!!

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