Making my Map CorrodedMetal

Ok so I have a Nuke, but I want to make t when t explode The Map Becomes completely Corroded Metal
For like 2 Min, and then it resets back to how the map looked before the Explosion But the problem is I don’t know how to make it I’ve tried some things but didn’t work out does anyone know how to make it?

It all depends on your map. Is it terrain, is it parts, is it both.
Do the parts have textures (decals, surface appearance, etc…) or just a part material and part color?

I would think to either do it 2 diff ways.

  1. Loop through all map parts, and set attributes to hold their original data, then switch them to nuked material, then when setting back, restore their original from the attributes
  2. have a copy of the map stored somewhere (server storage) and possibly a nuked version stored also, and swap between the two maps with cloning and :PivotTo calls.

its only Parts
Terrain is dont Use

and textures at the moment i also dont use Just Default like they come

and can you Fix me a script for how you think you can fix it?