Will this leak memory?

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a module and I had to make this for the module to work.

-- Wait for player
if not Players.LocalPlayer then
	repeat task.wait(0.5) until Players.LocalPlayer

For some reason the module script loaded quicker than the player or something. Will this cause any memory leaks? Thanks.


You can answer this question yourself through stats in the developer console, I don’t think it will have any affect on the memory at all because of the high wait duration.


It will not, instead it would just yield the current script, and that’s about it.


Oh alright! Thanks to both! :slight_smile:

I’m a little uneducated when it comes to memory leaks, so that’s why I got a bit concerned haha.

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nope, this will not leak memory

not to be mistaken however, doing this on the server is unadvisable as it will keep repeating task.wait until the player is found.

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