How to make realistic paintball gun

I want to create an image on the wall Like this but with better quality, the texture is flying here, how can I do it?

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Seems complicated…
I think a possible way which sounds very inefficient could be many raycastings… On bullet hit, take in count the angle of the wall hit, fire multiple rays that covers the size of the paint stain towards the shot direction to measure the available wall surface, depending on those results crop the image… which I remember there is a method to “crop” images but, I cant remember if that only works with GUIs or works with decals too…

Engine and time consuming task honestly.
Another approach could be related with adding textures to any parts that got hit maybe? changing its offset and side, translating position of the hit taking in count size of part… which its kinda complicated too

id apply the texture on to the wall, but this would be a buggy since the image would sometimes be streched