How to get run animation to play?

How do I get the run animation to play? do i just set the walk speed higher?


The run animation is already playing at the default walkspeed, the walk animation plays when you walk SLOWER.

i craete custom run animation and i dont want to do buggy stuff for run script where i play run animation and fight over wlak animation

also walk animation not playing atleast for me on r6 maybe i should’ve said that (not playing as in at lower walkspeed)

This won’t happen, as long as your set your animation priority correctly. You can though, modify specific track animation values in the script to make it look a bit different.

local animateScript = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
		animateScript:WaitForChild("run"):WaitForChild("RunAnim").AnimationId =  "your animation id here

Here’s the script i used.

I put it in a CharacterAdded event.

i just made this edit tho to animate script so i think it work better

will my edit work better because it does work i just wonder if it work better than typical method

Try using mines. (charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs)

I think what will fix your errors is that instead of using you should use rbxassetid://x if you’re using the casual ID (used for clothing and games), having 11 digits of now (standing at 15 billion assets).

(X refers to the number ID)

Unless you’re using another type of ID, you should make a variable for the ID:

local anim1 = "your anim id"

I remember using an animation script and it has this type of format. Since objects such as badges for example have different numbering, this is what I recommend to use.

If I have not talked about the solution correctly, clarify me.

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