If statements just not working right

local connect = TradeUpdate.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,SentTrade,Update,other) -- this triggers every time an update is fired.
    if trades[SentTrade.Plr1.Plr.Name..'_'..SentTrade.Plr2.Plr.Name] then -- see which trade we are handling
        local actualTrade = trades[SentTrade.Plr1.Plr.Name..'_'..SentTrade.Plr2.Plr.Name] -- get the actual trade
        if actualTrade.Plr1.Plr == plr or actualTrade.Plr2.Plr == plr then -- make sure the player is apart of this trade

This code should check to see if this player is inside of a table(If you look at it you can tell)
Everytime it is true, even if the user isnt even in the trade!

For instance the trade has Player1 and Player2 in it, if you are Player4 it thinks you are in it

This might be due to passing in incorrect values inside your table, have you tried debugging yet?
Check what values are passed your actualTrade table by printing the table print(actualTrade)